Updates and Happenings
- October 20 is our annual Fun Run Raiser!! For information on how the monies will be spent and prizes for top earners, go to: https://fcs.school/annual-fund/ Donation links are live: https://bngn.blackbaud.school/?id=acqn0zjoitt#/home/ So let the competition begin!
- Be sure and like and follow our Facebook and Instagram pages for the latest pictures and video of happenings around FCS!
From the Office:
- Tired of making student lunches every day? FCS has a hot lunch program. Check out the menu at https://www.lunchboxprogram.com/ You can purchase up to midnight the night before. Order once a week or all 5 days.
- Please contact Mrs. Groom, the librarian, at hannah-groom@fcs.school if you can help mend books and put tape on new books. Help is also needed with reshelving books. Lastly, if you like to read to each individual class, preschool to 3rd-grade students, please reach out!
- Please drive slowly and carefully through our parking lot during arrival and dismissal. Follow parking lot safety protocol as explained in our parent handbook. You can find the handbook at https://fcs.school/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/FCS-Parent-Student-Handbook-23-24.pdf
Over the weekend, there will be scheduled maintenance on our website. Some pages might be offline. Thank you for patience!
PTO Update:
- The PTO is recruiting room parents. If you are interested in learning more about this way to serve the FCS community, please fill out the form at this link: https://forms.gle/tjM9R6tfmRvtvvDWA Check last week’s PTO email for details.
- Questions about the FCS PTO, email pto@fcs.school or visit https://fcs.school/pto/
Mark Your Calendar
- Keep up with important dates on our website calendar all year long at https://fcs.school/calendar.
- September 27-29: 7th and 8th grade retreat to North Bay Retreat Center
- September 27-29: 6th grade Spruce Lake Outdoor School
- Friday, October 13 is a no school day for teacher professional development and training.
- Our yearly fall fundraiser, the Forcey Forward Fun Run is currently scheduled for Friday, October 20 (date change). For more information about our Forcey Forward annual fund, please visit https://fcs.school/annual-fund/
- October 2-31: Socktober donation collection!
- November 3, 2023, is the end of the first quarter. No first quarter work will be accepted after this date.
- November 9 (half day of school) and 10 (no school) are reserved for parent teacher conferences.
- November 20-24 is our Thanksgiving Holiday Break. There will be no school that week.
Service Update!
Are you ready to put our school theme “Live to Serve” into action? During the month of October, we will be working on a service project called Socktober! Socks are an under-donated item that are needed in homeless shelters.To participate in Socktober you can purchase socks of all sizes for all ages to be donated to one of 2 homeless shelters nearby: New Day in Laurel and Sarah’s House in Ft. Meade.
What to do: Bring brand-new socks to school to drop off in your designated location during the month of October. Socks can be found in pretty much any store including the dollar store, Target, Costco etc…
* Students in elementary and pre-school classes will drop their socks off in bins located near their classrooms.
* Middle school students will drop their socks off in bins that are designated for their house!
Our school-wide goal is to donate 2,500 socks between Monday, October 2 and Tuesday, October 31.
NOTE: We will also accept any new or used warm-weather items that you’d like to donate, but they will not be counted toward our sock goal. Let’s show Christ’s love in a meaningful way this October. For Socktober questions and information, contact trisha-dishong@fcs.school
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. ~1 Peter 4:10-11
Have a great weekend!
Cheri L. Vislay, M. Ed.
Principal, Forcey Christian School
Live to Serve!