BeliefsBiblical Integration
A message from Pastor Mike Maslin, Pastor of Student Ministries at Forcey Bible Church
At Forcey Christian School, our passion is “to follow Jesus, and to bring others with us.” As families experience Forcey Christian School, our hope is for each student to follow Jesus. It’s toward that end that we fervently pray.
Following Jesus begins with trusting Him as personal Savior – receiving the forgiveness of sin and eternal life. And after that, it means to grow in this newfound faith. It is in this purpose that Forcey Christian School realizes its greatest mission.
We strive to create a biblically integrated learning environment. As students learn about the world, they also learn about the Word in the process – God’s Word, the Bible. In all the various studies at the school – which we pursue with an excellence respected by all — students are confronted with the truth of God’s Word and taught His ways.
Here are some of the unique aspects of education that students at Forcey Christian School enjoy:
- Teachers and staff who wholeheartedly believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior and have committed their lives to following Him.
- Science classes that highlight the grandeur of Christianity, from the microscope to the telescope
- Daily prayer time
- History classes that not only examine great events, but the great men and women who have shaped it.
- Math classes that appreciate God’s order and exactness as unique aspects of His character
- Teachers that serve as more than just educators, but as role models, mentors, and advisors.
- English classes that evaluate books on a deeper level, noting how God’s Word and His ways could have been applied to the story.
- So much more!
The value of a thoroughly Christian education cannot be overvalued. At Forcey Christian School, as at Forcey Bible Church, we pray that our students would grow to follow Jesus Christ with their whole lives.