- When your middle school student arrives after 8:12 am and your elementary student arrives after 8:30 am, they are considered late and should be brought around to the main entrance. Parents will need to complete a late pass which can be found at the bottom of our homepage or at: https://fcs.school/wp-content/themes/smartschool-parent-resources/late-pass/ This can be done anywhere from your smart phone. If your child needs to be picked up early for any reason, please complete the early pick up/dismissal form at https://fcs.school/wp-content/themes/smartschool-parent-resources/early-dismissal/ or at the bottom of our homepage. This notifies the office and your child’s teacher so we can have the child ready for you when you arrive.
I love walking around the building and seeing what the students, your children, are doing in classes each day. Here’s a sneak peek at what I saw this week:
- Ms. Bates’ was using her smart board with her second-grade students to make ten’s.
- 8th grade science students were participating in a super worm lab. Students collected data to analyze and create distance/time and position/time graphs.
- Pastor Lonnie Harris spoke in chapel on what is means to be a part of the family of God and gave us a little insight into what it was like growing up in his family and some lessons learned.
- 8th grade Bible students worked in our updated courtyard space for class this week on personal journal assignments.
- 8th grade science students collected data to calculate and compare average speeds of different wind-up toys.
- Mrs. Groom began library programs, in the library, after an 18 month pause. We are so excited to have students moving throughout our building again this year!
- Second grade PE students were learning basketball dribble skills when I stopped by the gym this week.
- It’s red day in the PreK today!
- It’s Hispanic Heritage Month! Check out our social media pages for a daily Hispanic Heritage highlight!
- For some great pictures and video, be sure to like and follow our Facebook and Instagram pages!
- Keep up with important dates on our website calendar all year long at https://fcs.school/calendar-2/
- Mid quarter progress reports will be emailed out on Friday, October 8 for grades 1-8.
- There will be no school on October 14-15 as they are professional development days for FCS staff.
A note from Forcey Bible Church Pastor Foster:
Ms. Bates provided encouragement for staff devotions today. Decree and declare! Is there anything you need to decree and declare over your life or the life of your family today: healing, blessing, strength, provision, wisdom, or equipping? God’s word has everything we need to live victoriously as Christians in Jesus’ name.
Have a great weekend!
Cheri L. Vislay, M. Ed.Principal, Forcey Christian School
We Are Family!