Updates and Happenings
- Health Suite Update: Nurse Barrant has made the decision not to return to FCS next school year and focus on a professional goal to pursue a higher-level medical degree. We are saddened by the news but want to be supportive of her as she works on the professional goals she has for herself. We are excited to announce that FCS has hired a new school nurse for the fall! More information on that soon. We are happy that Nurse Barrant has graciously agreed to help us with the transition to the new nurse, and perhaps even come back to substitute!!
- FCS has a few open staff positions for fall 2022, please check out our employment page at https://fcs.school/about-2/employment/
- Re-enrollment for the 2022-23 school year is ongoing. To begin the re-enrollment process, please contact carla-boxill@fcs.school or visit https://fcs.school/re-registration/ Re-registration is not complete without payment of the $300 registration fee. Some classes are filling up, so it is important to re-register as soon as possible.
- You can find archived FCS News Friday newsletters at https://fcs.school/category/newsletter/
PTO Update:
- SAVE THE DATE – Sat., June 11, 3-7 p.m. – First-ever Forcey Spring Fling! Bring your family and friends for an afternoon of outdoor fun, fellowship, free activities, games, face painting & photo booth. Dunk Tank, Basket Raffle and a percentage of Food Truck sales benefit the FCS PTO! Flyer attached.
Around the Building
- Be sure and like or follow our Facebook and Instagram pages for the latest pictures and video of happenings around FCS! For the month of May, we honor and celebrate Asian American/Pacific Islander Heritage Month!
Mark Your Calendar
- Keep up with important dates on our website calendar all year long at https://fcs.school/calendar-2/
- Monday, May 30 is Memorial Day no school holiday.
- Friday, June 10 is a half day of instruction for end of quarter preparations.
- Friday, June 10 is Cultural Awareness Day-more information to come soon!
- PTO Spring fling is scheduled for Saturday, June 11 from 3-7 pm.
- June 15 is a half day and the last day of school.
You are invited to join us at 3:00 pm today for a time of prayer and reflection for the Robb Elementary School Community in Uvalde, TX. Weather permitting, we will meet on the grassy area in the front of the school. During times of tragedy and challenge, let’s keep our eyes on the God of compassion, Jehovah Jireh, our provider.
The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are attentive to their cry. ~Psalm 34:15
Have a great 3-day weekend!
Cheri L. Vislay, M. Ed.Principal, Forcey Christian School
We Are Family!
