Friday Newsletter, May 13, 22

by | May 15, 2022 | Newsletter

FCS News Friday Header

Updates and Happenings

  • Thank you for helping us make our annual Fun Run Raiser such a success! Help FCS cross the $25,000 mark.  Fun Run Links stay open through today at 3:00 pm!
    1. Dishong: $2320
    2. Hayes: $2300
    3. Adams: $2140
    4. Crump: $1380
  • FCS currently has a team shopping for a newer bus! The new bus will be purchased from 2020-21 annual funds and will sport our awesome Forcey Christian School logo! Can’t wait for you to see it!
  • The Forcey Christian School NJHS will be conducting a food drive. Please see the attached flyer. Let’s really show up for this school-wide service opportunity!
  • FCS has a few open staff positions for fall 2022, please check out our employment page at
  • Re-enrollment for the 2022-23 school year is ongoing. To begin the re-enrollment process, please contact or visit Re-registration is not complete without payment of the $300 registration fee. Some classes are filling up, so it is important to re-register as soon as possible.
  • As we move out of the pandemic phase of Covid and into learning how to live with a more sense of normalcy, we would like Nurse Barrant to return to a more realistic schedule of managing care for our students. Nurse Barrant will respond to questions, concerns, and emails during regular school hours.
  • MS Drama Team elective is putting on a special play this year. The show will be on May 25th and 26th at 7pm in the FBC Sanctuary. This a free production and we are so thrilled that we can bring back our drama performances this year!
    1. Drop Dead, Juliet! “Romeo and Juliet” will never be the same. When Juliet takes over the show, the rest of the cast scrambles to find their place in her new story. Shakespeare struggles to regain the script while Romeo leans towards leaving love. Come for a tragic comedy performed by the middle school drama team!
  • Congratulations to the 5th grade reading enrichment students! They entered their poems into the Creative Communications Spring Poetry Contest and received an invitation to have their poems published in an anthology of poems. Thousands of entries nationwide are judged. Every one of these Forcey 5th graders’ poems was determined to be of high merit worthy of publishing. This is quite an achievement. Congratulations to these published authors: Akin Alade, Siennie Assegid, Carter Baker, Olivia Chew, Pablo Dominguez, Sophie Nganga, Eden Tang, Rebekah Tewodros, Ally Wong, and Bella Yousaf! A big shout out to Mrs. Loys for her dedication to our enrichment program here at FCS!
  • You can find archived FCS News Friday newsletters at

PTO Update:

  • SAVE THE DATE – Sat., June 11, 3-7 p.m. – First-ever Forcey Spring Fling! Bring your family and friends for an afternoon of outdoor fun, fellowship, free activities, games, face painting & photo booth. Dunk Tank, Basket Raffle and a percentage of Food Truck sales benefit the FCS PTO!  Flyer attached.
  • THANK YOU for your support of the Chipotle fundraiser to benefit PTO. $321.81 was raised!

Around the Building

  • Check out our new and improved library page on our website at
  • Be sure and like or follow our Facebook and Instagram pages for the latest pictures and video of happenings around FCS! For the month of May, we honor and celebrate Asian American/Pacific Islander Heritage Month!

Mark Your Calendar

  • Keep up with important dates on our website calendar all year long at
  • Mid-term progress reports for first through eighth grade students will be emailed out on Friday, May 20.
  • Monday, May 30 is Memorial Day no school holiday.
  • Friday, June 10 is a half day of instruction for end of quarter preparations.
  • Friday, June 10 is Cultural Awareness Day-more information to come soon!
  • PTO Spring fling is scheduled for Saturday, June 11 from 3-7 pm.
  • June 15 is a half day and the last day of school.

After the death of Moses, God anointed Joshua to take over leading His people. This was big step for Joshua, and I’m sure he had doubts and fears. God assured Joshua that He would be with him, guiding him and going before him. Joshua 1:5 states that no one would be able to stand against Joshua because of his anointing. What a comfort to know that the same God who was with Joshua is with us today!

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” ~Joshua 1:9

Have a great weekend!

Cheri L. Vislay, M. Ed.
Principal, Forcey Christian School
We Are Family!
FCS Forward Logo 2021-22


FCS Food Drive

FCS PTO Spring Fling

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