Updates and Happenings
- Thank you for your participation in the 2022-23 parent survey. We so appreciate your feedback. We had 91 responses to the survey and FCS currently supports 302 families with the Christian education of their children. Noted areas gleaned from the survey are:
- Aligning and updating Bible curriculum school wide. We will be addressing this in or 5-year strategic plan that is currently being finalized and reviewed by key stakeholders. It will be launched this fall 2023.
- Publish schoolwide standardized test data. Our recent accreditation recommendations included becoming more transparent with data and use data to drive decision making. This will also be addressed in our strategic plan.
- Many positive ratings and comments for strength of academic program, spiritual emphasis, but particularly many expressions of appreciation and love for our wonderful teachers!
- Analysis of the data is ongoing, but we will share more with our stakeholders in the weeks to come.
- Today, Friday, March 31, all remaining items in the lost and found will be donated.
- Friday, April 14 from 2-3, we will have an open house for upcoming 6th grade students and their parents. Please check email for specific details.
- Forcey Christian School looks forward to bringing you an exciting evening of dinner, fellowship, student performances, and a silent auction you don’t want to miss. The funds raised will go toward the Forcey Forward Campaign Goal. You can purchase tickets now at https://bngn.blackbaud.school/?id=ncbj1ecqwqi#/home/Space is limited so buy yours today! If you are unable to attend the event, you can donate to the annual fund at https://bngn.blackbaud.school/?id=rdr0vjwjmur#/home/ For more information on how funds will be utilized, go to https://fcs.school/annual-fund/
- Be sure and like and follow our Facebook and Instagram pages for the latest pictures and video of happenings around FCS!
From the Office:
- There are some employment opportunities listed on our website for the 2023-24 school year. You can check them out at: https://fcs.school/about-2/employment/
- We are noticing many students walking unattended through our parking lot at dismissal. We take student safety matters very seriously! Dismissal is a very high traffic time in the parking lot. The students dart out quickly or are too small to be seen by oncoming cars. Please ensure your children are safely in a car or escorted through the parking lot.
- The April lunch menu attached.
PTO Update:
- Next PTO Zoom Meeting: April 11 at 7PM
- Join the meeting to help elect the next PTO officers, hear updates about upcoming activities and volunteer opportunities for the final quarter.Use this link to join:
Passcode: XgE9EJ
- Read the first-ever PTO News issue attached to this email. Find out how you can catch up on meeting minutes, review monthly financial reports and learn what the PTO supports and how you can help.
Mark Your Calendar
- Keep up with important dates on our website calendar all year long at https://fcs.school/calendar.
- Today is last day of the third quarter is Friday, March 31. It is a half day for students and the last day before spring break. No third-quarter work will be accepted after this date.
- April 3-10 is spring break. School resumes on Tuesday, April 11.
- Friday, April 14 from 2:00-3:00 pm, middle school open house for upcoming 6th grade students and their parents. Email Carla-boxill@fcs.school to RSVP.
- IOWA standardized testing will take place the week of April 24-28. Do your best to have your children in school that week and arrive on time. Make up-tests are time consuming and students miss valuable classroom instructional time during make up testing. Late students will not be permitted in class until the class finishes any pending assessments.
- Friday, April 28 is our annual evening fundraising event. Save the date!
- 1st-3rd Spring Concert – Thursday, May 4th 7:00 pm
- Cultural Awareness Day – Friday, May 5th. Look for emails from Mrs. Ford with more specific information.
- Monday, May 29, Memorial Day Holiday. No school.
- June 7 is the last day of the fourth quarter and June 9 is a half day for end of quarter and report card prep.
- June 14 is a half day and the last day of the 2022-2023 school year!
I can’t believe it will be the fourth quarter when we return from Easter break on Tuesday, April 11. The students and teachers have worked very hard this third quarter. We are thankful for this well-timed spring break to give them an opportunity to rest and rejuvenate. We celebrate our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and his sacrificial work on the cross during this time. I love Jesus’ words below: “Do you believe this?” We pray you do and that you and the FCS Community have a blessed Easter.
“Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?'”~ John 11:25-26
“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” ~1 Peter 1:3
Have a great weekend!