Updates and Happenings
- Re-enrollment for the 2022-23 school year is ongoing. To begin the re-enrollment process, please contact carla-boxill@fcs.school or visit https://fcs.school/re-registration/ Re-registration is not complete without payment of the $300 registration fee. Some classes are filling up, so it is important to re-register as soon as possible.
- Student Summer Camp Opportunity: See attached!
- The PTO has a fundraiser planned for March 29.The flyer is attached! Come and support FCS and skip making dinner at the same time!
- April 25-29 is standardized testing week for grades 1-8. Please do your best to get children here on time and avoid doctor’s appointments that week. Make-up tests are time consuming and remove students from classroom instruction post testing week. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
- PTO Request: Please help our school librarian, Mrs. Groom, continue her efforts to offer a wonderful library system for our students and FCS families this year, and for years to come! There are new Library projects for parent volunteers to support between now until the end of the school year.
- Volunteer Sign-up : https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080e49a4ad23a1fb6-library
- Service Opportunity: Forcey Bible Church is partnering with Park Heights Saints Community Center in Baltimore. Let’s show them how we can support this important ministry just a few miles up the road from FCS. Donations can be dropped off in the FCS lobby for the next 3 weeks.
- Individually wrapped snacks for after school
- Cake mixes, frosting, cookies
- Canned soup or vegetables
- Spaghetti sauce, hamburger helper, sloppy joe
- Spaghetti, macaroni, noodles, rice
- Juice boxes, bottled water
- Breakfast bars
- Tuna, dried beans
- Cereal, crackers
- You can find archived FCS News Friday newsletters at https://fcs.school/category/newsletter/
Around the Building
- Be sure and like or follow our Facebook and Instagram pages for the latest pictures and video of happenings around FCS! This month I am proud to highlight and honor Woman’s History Month!
ACSI Math Olympic Results for FCS! Congratulations to all of the finalists!
4th grade computation Nathaniel P. – 3rd | 6th grade reasoning Melinda Y. – 4th |
4th grade reasoning Jonah M. – 5th | 7th computation Eliana W. 4th |
5th grade computation
Ally W. – 3rd Nahom A.- 4th |
7th grade reasoning
Nolawi A. – 2nd Charis W. – 4th |
6th computation Tito A. – 4th | 8th grade reasoning River R.- 2nd |
Mark Your Calendar
- Keep up with important dates on our website calendar all year long at https://fcs.school/calendar-2/
- Friday, April 8 is a half day for end of third quarter preparations.
- April 11-18 is Easter Break. Classes resume on Tuesday, April 19.
- April 25-29 is standardized testing week for grades 1-8. Please do you best to get children here on time and avoid doctor’s appointments and optional trips that week. Make-up tests are time consuming and remove students from classroom instruction post testing week.
- May 5 and 6 is our annual FCS Fun Run. More information will come soon!
- Monday, May 30 is Memorial Day no school holiday.
- June 10 is a half day of instruction for end of quarter preparations.
March is women’s history month! As a female in Christian and business leadership, I am somewhat in the minority. I like to take advantage of opportunities given to me to highlight women leaders, women historical heros, and Christian women who are called into ministry leadership positions. I like to train the next generation as well. Check out our Women’s History Month highlights on our social media pages and talk to your children about the contributions that women have made in all areas of life.
Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. ~ Proverbs 31:30
Have a great weekend!
Cheri L. Vislay, M. Ed.Principal, Forcey Christian School
We Are Family!