Friday Newsletter, Sep. 23, 22

by | Sep 25, 2022 | Newsletter

FCS News Friday Header

Employment opportunities at Forcey Christian School

  • FCS is looking for a part time lunch aide for our PreK classes. Responsibilities include daily snack and lunch assistance and rotating between classrooms to offer staff lunch and planning breaks.The hours are MWF from 10-1. Interested, contact
  • FCS is looking for substitute teachers! Qualifications include: A passion for education, a patient spirit, a desire for flexibility to customize your work schedule, and a college degree. Interested, contact

Updates and Happenings

  • Mrs. Groom is offering a free tutoring service, The Homework Club, to FCS middle school students through her church ministry Colesville Baptist Church, 13100 Andrew Dr, Silver Spring, MD 20904. Homework club meets every Wednesday from 4 pm-5:45 pm. Space is limited, and an application is required. For information about The Homework Club contact
  • Kindly exit the school property promptly at dismissal time, 3:00 for PreK & ES and 3:15 for MS. Once the school day has ended, FCS no longer offers supervision for students unless they are enrolled in Forcey 360. We want to ensure the children are safe in our parking lot and the grounds and landscaping are protected from damage.
  • Our annual fun run, which is part of our Forcey Forward Annual Fund campaign, will be held in the fall this year on Friday, October 7. We are moving our spring fun run to the fall to make way for a spring community fund raising event. For more information go to
  • Be sure and like or follow our Facebook and Instagram pages for the latest pictures and video of happenings around FCS!

News from the Health Room

  • Parents of new students: Please sign your children into Frontline (Health Portal). Updating your student’s health portal is now required before returning students to school after sickness. The Frontline app can be found on our Health hub on our Forcey website.
    You will need the following information:
  • Your student’s ID. It can be found in the FACTS account.
  • School District ID is: Forcey Christian School
  • Sick Absence: When your student is out sick you will be required to submit the health check online form on Frontline. It is currently titled: “Daily COVID-19 Health Check”. You must fill this online form for each day your student is home due to illness. You will do this even if your student does not have COVID-19. A passed heath check is required to return to school. Remember to always let your student’s teacher know your student will be absent to acquire any make up assignments. Please contact the school nurse  if you have any questions.

 PTO Update:

Thank you in advance for your support of the FCS PTO so that we can help support our wonderful students, teachers, and school!

Mark Your Calendar

  • Keep up with important dates on our website calendar all year long at
  • Friday, October 7, Schoolwide Forcey Annual FunRunRaiser
  • October 13 and 14 are no school days for scheduled teacher professional development.
  • Friday, November 4, is a half day for students. Teachers will use this time for end of quarter preparations.
  • Thursday, November 10 is a half day for students. Friday, November 11, is a no school day for students. These days are set aside for parent teacher conferences.
  • November 21-25 FCS will be closed for Thanksgiving Break.

It was such a beautiful morning today! It really feels like fall is on its way. I love the change of seasons. God is such a good and loving God to bless us with His beautiful creation.

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. ~Psalm 19:1

Have a great weekend.

Cheri L. Vislay, M. Ed.
Principal, Forcey Christian School
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