Updates and Happenings
- Thank you all so much for your faithful participation in our annual Fun Run Raiser which ended last week. With your help and support, we were able to raise $32,000! The Fun Run is part of our Forcey Forward Annual Fund. To see more about our yearly fundraising goals and what the funds will be used for go to https://fcs.school/annual-fund/
- Top Fund Raisers:
- Baskin Robins Gift Cards go to: Eliana M. (Grade 2), Cora M. (grade 1), William H. (Grade 4), Gloria P. (Grade 1), Carter P. (Grade 3)
- Amazon Gift Card: Natalie L. (Grade 8), Katelyn (Grade 8), Stephen Lowrie (Grade 7), Keira Furjanic (Grade 8), Akin Alade (Grade 6)
- Outdoor Carnival Party: Mrs. Hayes’ class, grade 4 and Mrs. Thornton’s class (grade 8)
- Pizza party Mrs. Bos’s class (grade 5) and Mrs. Holloway’s class (grade 7)
- Operation Christmas Child is back by popular demand!! Our donation dates are November 15 and 16. More information on this fruitful, school-wide service project coming soon!
- We participated in a school wide Code Red Drill this week. In addition, teachers received Run Hide Fight professional development training last Friday. We pray that we never need to utilize the training we receive and the drills we practice but will continue to do our best to reduce risk and be prepared for the unthinkable.
- Be sure and like or follow our Facebook and Instagram pages for the latest pictures and video of happenings around FCS!
PTO Updates: Tomorrow is Movie Night!
Saturday, Oct. 22 from 5-8 p.m., Movie Night organized by the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). See attached flyer. The movie is Disney-Pixar’s Luca! It is an outdoor event unless cold or rainy weather moves us inside. Bring chairs, blankets, sweatshirts and the whole family! PTO will sell pizza by-the-slice, popcorn, candy, and beverages. Want to volunteer to make this a success? https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080e49a4ad23a1fb6-movie
Mark Your Calendar
- Keep up with important dates on our website calendar all year long at https://fcs.school/calendar
- Saturday, Oct. 22 from 5-7:30p.m., Movie Night organized by the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO).
- Friday, November 4, is a half day for students. Teachers will use this time for end of quarter preparations. Please note, no first quarter work will be accepted after Friday, November 4.
- Thursday, November 10 is a half day for students. Friday, November 11, is a no school day for students. These days are set aside for parent teacher conferences.
- November 21-25 FCS will be closed for Thanksgiving Break.
- December 19-30 FCS will be closed for Christmas Break.
Through difficult days and challenges, I turn to verses like the one from Exodus below. These truths from God’s word remind me that God is my strength and defender. He has provided salvation through His son, Jesus Christ. My father was a strong man of faith, and I particularly like this verse because it reminds me how my father began a legacy of faith for my family.
The Lord is my strength and my defense, He has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him. ~Exodus 15:2
Have a great weekend. Enjoy the beautiful weather!
Cheri L. Vislay, M. Ed.Principal, Forcey Christian School
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