Updates and Happenings
Parking Lot Tree Work February 27-March 3. There will be limited access and redirection of traffic patterns for that week. See attached map.
- Our FCS boys’ basketball team is going to the final game! They won a close game yesterday to take us to the finals. Congratulations boys’ basketball team and Coach Peele! Check out the latest blog at: https://fcsathletics.school/forcey-falcons-are-in-the-finals Go Falcons!!!!
- Re-enrollment for the 2023-2024 school has begun. For re-enrollment questions, please contact Carla-boxill@fcs.schoolor go to https://fcs.school/re-registration/ to begin the process. Classes are beginning to fill up, particularly in the area of PreK3 and PreK4.
- Friday, April 28 is our Forcey Forward Annual Fund evening fundraising event. More information will be coming out soon but save the date!
- Be sure and like and follow our Facebook and Instagram pages for the latest pictures and video of happenings around FCS!
From the Office:
- Please keep in mind that Records/Transcript requests take 3-5 business days to process, so please allow enough time to meet your application deadlines.
- The Raise Right (Scrip) Gift Card Fundraiser continues! You have the opportunity to purchase gift cards while supporting our school. The Raise Right fundraiser is contactless. You can purchase your gift cards at Scrip Gift Card Fundraising for Organizations • RaiseRight or with the mobile app, RaiseRight. The office will not be accepting orders. You purchase gift cards at face value and the brand gives back up to 20% to Forcey Christian School. For questions regarding the Raise Right Gift Card Fundraiser, please contact Sharmila-roda@fcs.school.
PTO Update:
- Not able to volunteer in the library in person? Please contact Mrs. Groom to take home books for mending/taping! She will supply the books and all materials! Contact Hannah-groom@fcs.school for more details.
- Please note that the PTO executive board will move the April meeting to Tuesday, April 11th due to the conflict with spring break the week before. Thank you for taking note!
Mark Your Calendar
- Keep up with important dates on our website calendar all year long at https://fcs.school/calendar.
- Monday, February 20, no school for President’s Day.
- The last day of the third quarter is Friday, March 31. It is a half day for students and the last day before spring break. No third quarter work will be accepted after this date.
- April 3-10 is spring break. School resumes on Tuesday, April 11.
- IOWA standardized testing will take place the week of April 24-28. Do your best to have your children in school that week and arrive on time. Make up-tests are time consuming and students miss valuable classroom instructional time during make up testing.
- Friday, April 28 is our annual evening fundraising event. Save the date!
- Monday, May 29, Memorial Day Holiday. No school.
It’s been all Valentines, kindness, and love this week at FCS. It’s a good reminder of just how much God loves each one of us. So much that He sent His son Jesus to make a way for us to have access and relationship with Him.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. ~John 3:16
Have a great 3-day weekend!
Cheri L. Vislay, M. Ed.Principal, Forcey Christian School
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