Updates and Happenings
- Forcey Christian School is excited to introduce our inaugural Strategic Plan. This was truly a collaborative effort, beginning with a team of teacher and staff leaders coming together in the summer of 2022 to brainstorm, discuss, and dream. Work has already begun in several areas, and we will work to be fully transparent with progress as the school year progresses. You can find it at https://fcs.school/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/FCS_Strategic_Plan_2023-Final.pdf
- From the Athletic Director: Is your upcoming middle schooler planning to play a fall sport next school year? All student-athletes who desire to participate in any school sport are required to have an annual medical evaluation performed by a licensed physician, certified physician assistant under the supervision of a licensed physician, or certified nurse practitioner. An FCS ATHLETIC PERMISSION FORM is used to submit evidence of this examination. Athletic Permission Forms must be SIGNED by the physician/practitioner and submitted PRIOR to participation or tryouts. For more information or questions, contact michael-burgess@fcs.school
- Download form – https://fcsathletics.school/athletic-forms
- Did you know you can find helpful information on the parent resource page of our website at https://fcs.school/forcey-parent-resources/
- You can also find archived weekly newsletters on our website at https://fcs.school/category/newsletter/ The July 28 newsletter contains information about new staff.
- We can use some volunteers to help assemble the new middle school tables we purchased from annual fund monies. Please email pto@fcs.school if you can help!
- Be sure and like and follow our Facebook and Instagram pages for the latest pictures and video of happenings around FCS!
From the Office:
- FACTS parents web will be turned back on Wednesday, Aug. 23 for all parents. You can find your child’s class placement and schedule at that time.
- Please contact office@fcs.school with any changes to your contact information such as address or phone number.
PTO Update:
- Questions about the FCS PTO, email pto@fcs.school
Mark Your Calendar
- Keep up with important dates on our website calendar all year long at https://fcs.school/calendar.
- Thursday, August 24 is the parent orientation for all PreK and kindergarten classes. Check website calendar for specific times. There will be a whole group meeting at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary.
- Friday, August 25 from 1-3 pm is a whole school student open house. Come visit your child’s new classroom and teacher!
- Monday, August 28 is the first day of school. Middle school doors open at 8:05 am and elementary and PreK doors open at 8:20 am.
- Thursday, August 31 is the parent orientation for elementary and middle school students. Check the website calendar for specific times. There will be a whole group meeting at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary.
- Monday, September 4 is a school holiday for Labor Day.
This time of year is so busy. Our to-do lists fill up our minds and it is difficult to slow down and remain calm. During times like these, I’m reminded to focus up on my relationship with my Heavenly Father. The Holy Spirit slows me down and replaces the anxiety with a peaceful sense of calm. I encourage you with these verses today.
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” ~Matthew 11:28-30
Have a restful weekend!
Cheri L. Vislay, M. Ed.
Principal, Forcey Christian School
Live to Serve!