8th Grade Field Trip

Washington D.C.

Forcey's 8th graders will take a tour in Washington DC. More information to be provided as the field trip gets closer.

Kindergarten Bike Day

Forcey Christian School 2130 E. Randolph Road, Silver Spring, MD

Mark your calendar, kindergarten parents! This is a day that kindergartners look forward to because they get to ride their bikes and/or scooters at school! Look for specifics from your […]

4th Grade Field Trip

Monster Mini Golf of Columbia 7351 Assateague Drive 380, Jessup, MD

Forcey's fourth graders are off to experience a glow-in-the-dark adventure of indoor mini golf.

Band Concert

Forcey Christian School 2130 E. Randolph Road, Silver Spring, MD

PreK-4 Picnic

Centennial Park 10000 Clarksville Pike, Ellicott City, MD

Forcey's 4-year preschoolers play and picnic on the picturesque grounds of Centennial Park in Ellicott City.

PTO Membership Meeting


Meetings are held on Zoom Join Zoom Meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89481724894?pwd=MkoyM0p0ZFdnejBDWTFpTFJIekdpUT09 Mtg ID: 894 8172 4894 To join via audio only, please click the following link and scroll down to the United […]

8th Grade Field Trip

Hershey Park 100 W. Hersheypark Dr, Hershey, PA

Forcey's eighth graders enjoy a day filled with rides, adventure, and lasting memories at the theme park, Hersheypark.