Friday Newsletter – August 25, 2023

by | Aug 25, 2023 | Newsletter

Forcey Christian School Summer Newsletter - Educating students in their lifelong journey for the glory of Jesus Christ

Updates and Happenings

  • It was wonderful to see so many new and familiar faces at our open house today. We can’t wait to welcome all of the students back on Monday, August 28 for the first day of school. Check out our social media pages for some fun photos!
  • We enjoyed meeting so many PreK and kindergarten families at our parent orientation last night. Next Thursday, first through 8th grade parents will come in and meet the teachers and staff. Check the website calendar for details.
  • Forcey Christian School is excited to introduce our inaugural Strategic Plan. This was truly a collaborative effort, beginning with a team of teacher and staff leaders coming together in the summer of 2022 to brainstorm, discuss, and dream. Work has already begun in several areas, and we will work to be fully transparent with progress as the school year progresses. You can find it at
  • Did you know you can find helpful information on the parent resource page of our website at
  • Be sure and like and follow our Facebook and Instagram pages for the latest pictures and video of happenings around FCS!

From the Office:

  • IOWA test results will be sent home with students in their Friday folders or MS homerooms.

PTO Update:

Health Team Updates:

Medication Administration Policy and Requirements for the 2023-2024 school year:

  • Teachers and school staff (this includes the School nurse) are not allowed to give students any type of medication unless they have a signed medication form from a doctor or clinic. This includes prescription medication, over the counter medicines, and/or holistic ointments such as cough drops, hydrocortisone cream, and aspirin.
    • Policy: The Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services discourages the administration of medication to students, in school or during the school day. Any necessary medication that possibly can be administered before and after school should be so prescribed. Only non-parenteral medications are administered except in specific emergency situations.  School personnel will, when it is absolutely necessary, administer medication to students during the school day and while participating in outdoor education programs and overnight field trips, according to the procedures outlined on the back of the medication administration form (see below).
  • Students are not allowed to self-carry any medications unless they have Physician Orders on file at FCS stating such AND they have shown proof to the Health Service staff at FCS of ability to self-administer.
    • At FCS, only middle school aged students will be granted this permission. Teachers will be informed if such a request has been granted.

What forms/documents are needed for 2023-2024 School Year?

  • Students who have medical conditions (including allergies) need to ensure any lifesaving treatments plans or medications are documented and available to the health service team.
    • If you or child’s doctor feel it is necessary to give Medication during school hours the form below is needed.
    • In addition, if your student has Asthma the form below is also needed:
    • In addition, if your student has Anaphylaxis related to a Food Allergy the form below is also needed:

Next Year 2023-2024 Medication Drop Off Procedures:

  • August 21-23: Forms may be emailed ( , faxed (301-622-0204), or dropped off during these times (10:00AM-2:00PM). **This should be done first**
  • August 28, 2023, First Day of School: The health suite will open at 7:30 AM for Medication Drop Off **Parents Only** (Forms should be turned in prior and no medication will be taken without forms)
    • Parents should bring unopened medication to the Health Suite in a gallon sized zip locked bag with student’s full name and grade visibly labeled on bag. 

If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to me via email at or by phone at 301-622-2281 ext 851.

Mark Your Calendar

  • Keep up with important dates on our website calendar all year long at
  • Monday, August 28 is the first day of school. Middle school doors open at 8:05 am and elementary and PreK doors open at 8:20 am.
  • Thursday, August 31 is the parent orientation for elementary and middle school students. Check the website calendar for specific times. There will be a whole group meeting at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary.
  • Monday, September 4 is a school holiday for Labor Day

I taught here at FCS 23 years before becoming the principal. I always started out the year with a beginning-of-the-year verse to help focus the students on returning to school, taking responsibility for their own learning, and learning new skills. This is the verse I always chose:

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. ~2 Timothy 2:15

School begins on Monday! Let’s remind our students to do their best and work as one approved.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Cheri L. Vislay, M. Ed.
Principal, Forcey Christian School

Live to Serve!

Forcey Forward Annual Fund 2023-2024

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