Updates and Happenings:
- The FCS FACTS school directory will be turned back on Wednesday, May 22. If you wish to opt out, kindly email office@fcs.school with opt out in the subject line.
- The FCS Athletics Department has had an exciting and busy year! Join us for the Spring Soccer Awards Ceremony, which is set to kick off Wednesday, May 22nd. Tickets are sold for this event and available for purchase until May 15th. For details and ticket purchase, visit https://fcsathletics.school/2024-spring-soccer-award-ceremony/
- Forcey Library is sponsoring the used book sale, which will take place on June 7th from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The proceeds will be used toward purchasing additional books for our students to check out. If you would like to help, please contact Mrs. Groom at hannah-groom@fcs.school.
- Field Day is Friday, June 7 and the athletic department needs parent volunteers. You can sign up at the following links:
- Elementary School Signup: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D4EA9AF22A2FBC07-elementary#/
- Middle School Signup: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D4EA9AF22A2FBC07-middle#/
- Registration for Forcey Day Camp is now open for this summer! Forcey Day Camp is for children who have completed Kindergarten through 6th grade. For more information like dates, times, and registration are found on our website www.forceydaycamp.org”
News from the Office:
- Too busy to make lunch? Don’t forget about the FCS hot lunch program. You can order at https://www.lunchboxprogram.com/
- FCS is hiring substitute teachers and part time bus drivers for the fall 24-25 school year. For job descriptions visit:
PTO Update:
- Used Uniform Sale: Friday, May 31, beginning at 3:00 pm!
- The last Pizza Friday Date for the Semester is: 5/24.
Mark Your Calendar
- Keep up with important dates on our website calendar all year long at https://fcs.school/calendar.
- The last day of the fourth quarter is Wednesday, June 5. All fourth-quarter work must be turned in by this day to receive credit.
- Saturday, June 8 is our annual Spring Fling Community event sponsored by the FCS PTO.
- Friday, June 7 is a half day for students and professional day for staff.
- Tuesday, June 11 is 8th grade graduation and the last day for our 8th graders.
- Wednesday, June 12, is a half day and the last day of school.
Cheri L. Vislay, M. Ed
Principal, Forcey Christian School
Live to Serve!