Recap: Forcey’s amazing PTO helped parents interpret IOWA test scores at the last PTO meeting. Keep an eye out for future helpful information from our awesome FCS PTO! Please remember to check out the Calendar, PTO Calendar, and FCS Athletics for reminders, PTO related meetings, upcoming events, and Forcey Falcons game schedules. Don’t forget, our senior night ceremony for our 8th grade basketball athletes will be held immediately after the boys’ game on February 6. This week’s chapel, Pastor Foster helped students answer the “Fifty Million Dollar” question: “Who do you say I am?” (Matthew 16:15-19). Principal Vislay touched on trust as a result of Jesus’s sacrifice and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. It is supernatural and not of this world. When things seem wrong, trust anyway. Principal Vislay solidified her message with John 16:33.
Please refer to your email for the Safety Reminder letter that was attached to this newsletter issue — Thank you.