Recap: Welcome Back Forcey Falcons! Updates from the PTO include Pizza Friday Fundraiser information and PTO Staff Encouragement Committee (SEC). The PTO SEC is gearing up for an eventful school year of celebrating and encouraging our beloved teachers. Updates and happenings include: a reminder to parents that students are not permitted to order food through food delivery services; IOWA assessment scores were sent home in student’s Friday folders; Fall 2024 After School Clubs are now available to view and register. Note that Middle School doors open at 8:05 am, Elementary School doors open at 8:20 am, and Pre-K students are accepted into classrooms at 8:35 am. Fun Run Fundraiser is Oct 18. Check out the Calendar for upcoming events. News from the Nurse include a reminder to send a copy of your Kindergartener’s and/or 7th grader’s up-to-date immunization record to the School Nurse. This newsletter is wrapped up by an encouraging note from Principal Vislay inspired by Psalm 55:22.